Family & Friends CPR Anytime Personal Learning Program allows anyone to learn the core skills of CPR in just 20 minutes.
- Includes everything needed to learn CPR and choking relief
- Incorporates research-proven Practice-While-Watching method of CPR instruction to improve learning, and retention and offer maximum skills practice
The CPR Anytime kit includes the following components:
- 1 bilingual (English/Spanish) Family & Friends CPR Anytime DVD to refresh skills as often as needed
- 1 poly-bagged Mini Anne CPR personal manikin that clicks when you’ve pressed hard enough
- 1 bilingual (English/Spanish) Skills Reminder Card to carry with you for skills reference
- 1 Mini Anne replacement lung to exchange when sharing the kit (additional replacement lungs can be ordered)
- Manikin wipes to clean manikin after use and before sharing
Replaces 90-1003 & 90-1004
Family & Friends CPR Anytime Personal Learning System
- Brand: Laerdal Manikins and CPR Training Supplies
- Product Code: 15-1014
- Availability: 10
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